
Country analysis

As a first step, and before taking on an assignment, we prepare a country analysis which includes a comprehensive assessment of recommended and suitable services for the country/customer. The analysis includes:

  • Population analysis. Assessment of the distribution of size, age, sex, cultures, which all have an impact on healthcare services. It includes an evaluation of metropolitan areas and the distribution of the population among cities (large, medium and small) and rural areas, which is needed to determine locations of possible healthcare resources and the analysis of the potential for establishing infrastructure country-wide. It includes socio-economic analysis aimed at assessing the population's ability to visit the planned healthcare facilities.
  • Existing infrastructure analysis. Evaluation of existing infrastructure, including hospitals, academic system, health and social insurance system (private, public and others).
  • Value proposition. Shows an assessment of the expected savings and benefits which the implementation of the proposed infrastructure will bring to the country. For example, it will show the savings which genetic tests offer by avoiding payments for future treatments which a genetic test could have revealed in the first place. Cost/benefits analysis will be provided for any proposed infrastructure which we will help to establish.

What services do we offer?

We deliver full-spectrum healthcare infrastructure solutions and consulting services in the areas of organizational planning, construction, equipment purchasing, information technology and human capital.

All our projects are custom-tailored to meet specific demands and our range of services includes, but is not limited to, the following activities:

  • Establishing comprehensive end-to-end infrastructure, including genetic institutes, medical imaging centers (e.g., MRI, CT, ultrasound), hospitals, IT infrastructure.
  • Conducting medical surveys for genetic tests.
  • Construction of points of services and clinics across the country.
  • Training and infrastructure of local healthcare personnel and equipment operators.
  • Management services for administering hospitals, institutes, centers, and other facilities or programs.
  • Professional support and backing by recognized experts. Possibility of conducting special additional genetic tests and other medical treatment by experts.
  • Complete design package of infrastructure, ranging from architectural design to room layout and dimensioning, as well as management of the entire construction and the supply of medical equipment and apparatus from international suppliers.
  • Complete package for planning and configuration of mobile modular medical units for emergency and preventive medical aid. Our field hospitals can be used in natural disasters, mass casualty incidents, or as fixed remote medical care units. They are tent like shelters or normalized aluminum containers that can be rapidly deployed. Our expertise is in choosing the right form of shelter, size, scalability, and the right equipment and medical kit for your situation.
  • Military field hospitals were first used in the battlefield, where they have a clear military purpose. They serve as the first point of care for casualties on-site before they can be safely transported to more permanent hospital facilities. They are mobile units that can be stowed and that have the advantage of being always ready for quick deployment whenever needed. Depending on the operational needs, they can also be installed in fixed deployments in the field for long-term use. The military needs determine the size and scope of the field hospital.

Proposal planning

The planning of the proposal aims at offering the most suitable service package for a specific country or situation. Our proposal includes all the steps necessary to establish or upgrade a country's healthcare infrastructure. The proposal is based on the previous country analyses and assessments, as well as on specific demands and specifications from clients.

The project proposal for a country will be submitted within a few weeks after the approval of the assignment by the customer. The proposal includes a detailed schedule of recommended and planned resources, infrastructure, equipment and staffing.

May Global Healt | 2008
© May Global Healt | 2008